Norevo - Style Your Products!

The food and confectionery market is shaped by trends that constantly challenge manufacturers and developers of sweets and other foods. Innovative products, new textures, modern ingredients and the aim to meet growing customer requirements are the driving forces of product development and optimization.    

Norevo GmbH is an internationally established supplier of natural raw materials and a producer of specialty ingredients for applications in the food, confectionery or beverage industries.

Our product range covers

From natural raw materials to tailor-made ingredients we offer natural products and functional ingredients along with technological know-how, development support and technical assistance.

Individual and functional ingredients 

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Individual and functional ingredients

Norevo realizes ingredient solutions tailored to our customer’s needs, through deep product know how, long-term experience in sourcing and production as well as an international team of product specialists. 

Product development and support

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Confectionery Product development and support

Technological know-how and long-time experience with production and supply of high-quality ingredients allows us to offer holistic support and tailor-made solutions especially for the confectionery sector:

  • Idea and conception of products
  • Recipe development and optimization
  • Formulation of individual ingredients 
  • Conduction of lab trials
  • Large-scale trial support 
  • Design and optimization of the production process
  • On-site consulting and support 
  • Continuous and personal service

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