The Key Difference

Of the 14 commercially produced
vitamins most are water-soluble with
four – vitamins A, D, E and K – being
fat-soluble. The key difference between
water and fat-soluble vitamins is that
our human bodies store fat-soluble
vitamins for later nutritional needs where
water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin
B or C need to be taken daily. Fat-soluble
vitamin forms carry associated risks.

The Pure Form

Provitas is focused purely on fat-soluble vitamins because many

industries can’t used these vitamins in their purest forms.
The vitamins might be too potent, unstable or just in the wrong form.

The pure form of a fat-soluble vitamin might be an oil where
a certain industry might prefer a powder.

The value-add Provitas provides is offering fat-soluble vitamins in a
convenient form. This means converting oils into powders, converting
pure forms that are not water-soluble to a form that is water dispersible,
adding stability or creating a formulation that is non-toxic.

Provitas’ products include vitamins A, D, E, mixed
tocopherols and K in liquid emulsions, oil blends,
soluble powders and absorbate powders.

A benefit of this specialization is Provitas is a
manufacturer, but is also able to offer its customers
custom fat-soluble vitamin products at a highly
competitive price.

The Plano, Texas-based company was founded 2007 and all of its stakeholders
came from the vitamin industry recognizing the market opportunity for a custom
fat-soluble vitamin manufacturer situated between the large manufacturer and
vitamin distributor supply chains. Its U.S. production facilities are FDA registered
and cGMP compliant. Provitas prides itself on being easy to do business with and
valuing strong customer relationships.

 (469) 910-1152                    

The Key Difference

Of the 14 commercially produced
vitamins most are water-soluble with
four – vitamins A, D, E and K – being
fat-soluble. The key difference between water and fat-soluble vitamins is that our human bodies store fat-soluble vitamins for later nutritional needs where water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B or C need to be taken daily. Fat-soluble vitamin forms carry associated risks.

The Pure Form

Provitas is focused purely on fat-soluble vitamins because many industries can’t used these vitamins in their purest forms. The vitamins might be too potent, unstable or just in the wrong form. The pure form of a fat-soluble vitamin might be an oil where a certain industry might prefer a powder.

Provitas’ products include vitamins A, D, E, mixed tocopherols and K in liquid emulsions, oil blends, soluble powders and absorbate powders.

A benefit of this specialization is Provitas is a manufacturer, but is also able to offer its customers custom fat-soluble vitamin products at a highly competitive price.

The value-add Provitas provides is offering fat-soluble vitamins in a convenient form. This means converting oils into powders, converting pure forms that are not water-soluble to a form that is water dispersible, adding stability or creating a formulation that is non-toxic.

The Plano, Texas-based company was founded 2007 and all of its stakeholders came from the vitamin industry recognizing the market opportunity for a custom fat-soluble vitamin manufacturer situated between the large manufacturer and
vitamin distributor supply chains. Its U.S. production facilities are FDA registered and cGMP compliant. Provitas prides itself on being easy to do business with and valuing strong customer relationships.

 (469) 910-1152                    

 (469) 910-1152

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